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STEP Services

Service: Maintain a stable and consistent software environment in all STEP funded laboratories and classrooms.
Definition: Laboratories and classrooms must have a stable and consistent software environment for the end user.  The environment will provide students with access to software necessary for completion of coursework, and provide access to a Learning Management System (LMS) that prepares students to compete in an international job market.
Support: Software packages will be maintained by University Computing Support Services (UCSS).  All purchasing and training will be conducted by the STEP manager.  All software must receive patches and updates in a timely manner.  Full version updates must be deployed within 30 days of the purchase date.  Laboratories and classrooms must be funded through a STEP grant to qualify for maintenance.

Service: Provide students with STEP funded Open-Use Laboratories with access to resources necessary for coursework and  enhances learning.
Definition:  a STEP funded room that has 5 or more win domain registered, standard or performance model tablet, laptop, or desktop computing hardware.  This room must be open to UL Lafayette registered students for 90% of its operating hours.  The remaining 10% will offer software training and tutoring with a schedule posted outside the lab and on the Student Government Association's (SGA) website.
Support: The Service Desk will rout all trouble tickets related to STEP classrooms to STEP Support in the campus triage system.  The STEP manager will prioritize all STEP Support tickets and work with appropriate UCSS/OIS/IMN personnel to resolve issues.  A SharePoint Site will be used to create workflow metrics, allow for data manipulation, and provide an environment for IT staff collaboration.

Service: Create a classroom environment that sustains various approaches to teaching and learning.  Provide instructors with up-to-date classroom technology that will allow our students to compete in an ever-changing international job market.
Definition: A SMART/TEC Classroom is a STEP funded room designed to enhance instruction with a dynamic presentation system (DPS).  The DPS is defined by the Office of STEP Support and approved by the Chief Information Officer.  This definition will be updated once a year and posted on the SGA site.
Support: The Service Desk will rout all trouble tickets related to STEP classrooms to STEP Support in the campus triage system.  The STEP manager will prioritize all STEP Support tickets and work with UCSS/OIS/IMN to resolve issues.  A SharePoint Site will be used to create workflow metrics, allow for data manipulation, and provide an environment for IT staff collaboration.